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Buku Elektronik Kedokteran Gigi
Ebsco eBooks adalah kumpulan buku elektronik (e-books) multidisiplin yang disediakan oleh EBSCO untuk dapat diakses secara perpetual (seterusnya), tidak berdasar langganan tahunan.
Ebsco Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source offers an extensive collection of important full-text journals, as well as dozens of full-text monographs. The collection includes more than 255 full-text journals, including many of the top-ranked titles in this discipline. As part of this ambitious initiative, EBSCO has created backfiles of indexing, abstracts and full-text spanning dozens of years for many publications, offering an extraordinary amount of information related to this field. Searchable cited references are also included for nearly 125 journals,
Springer eBook Collection merupakan buku elektronik terbitan Springer dalam berbagai subjek yang dilanggan oleh UGM secara perpetual. Selain hanya dilihat, beberapa koleksi buku elektronik ini dapat diunduh secara fulltext.
Emerald Publishing is an independent, award-winning publisher of academic research and thought leadership authored by some of the best known global academic and industry minds. Our eBooks programme includes over 3,600 titles with content covering topics that resonate with the real world. We present the discussion to challenge viewpoints, develop professional skills and bring positive change.
Taylor & Francis eBooks with over 50,000 eBooks available we provide broad coverage across the teaching syllabus as well as in-depth research into new and evolving topics. These books have been carefully organised into eCollections to help you ensure completeness or as a starting point for further research.